Thursday, October 12, 2017

Mine--Part 1--AZ Rains Series

The hold He has on me. The platform He preaches His ministry to my Soul. The measure of Time.

These were given to me in doses, in carefully rationed tornadoes of thoughts, tastes, & sounds. Staying with me, dripping into my skin, like a controlled substance, dangled over me, I reach for more.

His smell at night, as He changes from who I see, & what he wants me to be. Does He care? That I rest here, never knowing what, & who He'll be tonight. Does He know my smell, my scent, as I descend from this place, to where I really want to be.

The breezes in my mind, they create a vortex, a whirlwind, measured on the scale of grief & pain, joys & victories. Where the newest dose of me, is slowly transfused into my veins, the life that was Him, is now mine.

(Trying a "new" format. Traditional, story telling paragraphs, rather than the poetry style shaping on the page, I usually use here.)