What do you think happens
When I'm with you....
Do you think the world stops,
That I can't breath
When you're in the room with me....
Everything I am
When you're not here,
Just ceases to exist because you're near....
That the air
Inside my lungs collapses,
Fails to keep me alive
Because you're the only thing I can see....
My world
Disappearing from where I am now,
As if what I was before you
Wasn't good enough....
My Soul
The toxins of who I used to be
Before you came,
Do you think this all I can be
Now I know you're here....
Then you truly don't see
What I've become,
Do you....
The heart beat
That shakes my body loose
From the rigid source of life
I knew before,
The conscious moral compass
That guided me to you
In the first place....
You think
We've never been
Until now,
That this moment of knowing you
Is new....
You haven't always been,
That I haven't always known you,
Known that this would be....
This is only a part of
What was before,
Who will be someday,
Like seconds ticking on a stop watch
That tells time in centuries....
Marking places we haven't even been yet
Setting reminders
Of what will become milestones
That highlight what we've always been....
You seem to think
There is a place in time
Where I can tell you why I knew
This is where I was meant to be someday....
It's still not as simple as that
No matter how many lifetimes
I try to understand it
Explain it to myself,
So how can you expect me to explain it
Clearly to you....
All I know....
Is that
We're endless,